foods that are most harmful to your teeth, not sweets Learn about the foods that are most harmful to your teeth, not sweets We often think that the worst food for our teeth is sugary foods, because they allow bacteria to accumulate in the mouth, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. However, you may be surprised that when it comes to oral health, there are some foods and drinks that dentists consider to be more harmful to dental health than candy. 'Sticky and baked' carbohydrates, such as white bread, pasta, potato chips and crackers, are worse than sweets when it comes to poor dental health. The reason fermentable carbohydrates are so bad for your teeth is that they specifically break down into sugars as you chew them - they are called "deceptive sugars." She promises that these specific carbohydrates make the mouth more acidic because saliva works overtime to remove sticky food from your teeth, w...